The newspaper and television ads, created by Gibson Roscoe Advertising featuring company President and CEO Dan Catalfumo offering buyers price discounts until he reaches his goal of $50 million in seasonal sales. The halfway point toward this goal was reached March 15th.
Buyers have been the “seasonal visitors” from the Northeast U.S. and Canada. These second home purchasers traditionally visit the area through mid-April, and sign sales agreements in May and June planning to enjoy the following winter in a Florida home.
For the area’s daily newspaper, The Palm Beach Post, Gibson Roscoe created a “Spadea Wrap” put Catalfumo’s sales message in an impossible to miss position on both front and back of the paper.
For the area’s television market, Gibson Roscoe Created a media schedule which “Roadblocked” the early morning news and weather—watched by vacationers.
The message, “I’d rather give you a great discount, than pay interest to my bank” delivered by the developer/owner resonated with potential buyers and real estate brokers, generating significant traffic and sales in a period where other area projects offering $1 to $3 million priced units have seen little prospects and sales.
Images from film shoot two, filming a new message to show the progress of sales.

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